Friday, January 22, 2010

Brief update

Been super busy these days. I took my GACE for biology, retook the GRE (more on that one after I try one last time to get a refund) - on both of which I did fabulously! At least, I hope I did. Unless the unofficial scores generated after you take the GRE are lying to me out of spite.

I'm finally about to submit my application to Kennesaw State's MAT program, I've got my wisdom teeth out, both workplaces (tahcha teahouse and Chattahoochee Nature Center - I've started handling the screech owl at the Nature Center) are treating me well, and I've started sending applications out for possible tutoring positions. I've started talking housing with my potential roommates, though I've wandered into the realm of uncertainty there. Thought I knew what I wanted, then my mother came up with something new, and now I don't know what I want. Hopefully I'll have it all figured out by March.

Right now, I'm managing the box office for Quills, a show produced by a few friends of mine and performed in PushPush Theater. You should all come see it. No, really. It closes next weekend. The first two people to tell me they're coming will get two free tickets, compliments of yours truly.

I was going to share my list of what I'm looking for in a church this time around, but somehow I feel like it needs a post all its own. So y'all can have this very tired, partially drugged (wisdom teeth were out on Monday, mind you) brief update. I think that's even what I'll call it. A brief update.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Suck less

Hm, never actually made that 5 Reasons to Love Christmas post...I really ought to learn to not make plans I can't keep. I think that's how my 'P' side function - not that I can't make plans, just that I can't keep them. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, look here)For example, I woke up early today, planning on using the extra time to get some more studying in before work at 10, but I'm updating my blog instead. I also used this time to catch up on some of the links my friends posted on twitter. New Year's Resolution? Maybe.

As another example, I decided at the end of last year NOT to make any New Year's Resolutions, because I can never keep them anyway. Then I realized I do have several goals for this year - they're just goals I had anyway. The problem with New Year's Resolutions is that most people make them simply because the New Year is the time to turn over a new leaf, start fresh - but for me, that's never enough motivation. "If I don't lose 5 pounds, then I've broken my New Year's Resolution." So what? It's self-reinforcing to keep/gain weight, and knowing you've broken your New Year's Resolution is a very weak punishment.

I'm not saying that it's a bad idea to make New Year's Resolutions, just why I think it's difficult.

So I have resolved not to make any new resolutions for the New Year, but to apply myself (with fervor!) to the goals I already had. So here they are, in some sort of particular order (but not really):

1. Be intentional with my friendships. When I finally hung out with my friend Sharon recently, I realized it'd been years since I spent any quality time with her. Then I looked over the past semester and found that I'd done very little to keep my friends close, to know what they were doing and what was affecting them, to actually show that I think and care about them. No longer!

2. Spend some time with God every day. Whether reading the Bible, praying in the car, writing prayerfully in my journal, it's time I really committed to it. I'm so much more lackadaisical about my friendship with God than with any of my other friendships. It's time to be intentional.

3. Get into grad school! This one is self-explanatory. Please, oh, please, let it be as easy to get into Kennesaw State to get my Master's in Teaching as I think it is, please, oh, please...

4. Save up for an emergency fund. Wouldn't it be nice to have some money in the bank? God willing and the creeks don't rise, I'll be in grad school by the end of May and have a job that pays a little more than the peanuts the teahouse pays. Once I have some expendable income, it's going into a nice little account that I can't touch unless I really need it - in case I fall down the stairs and finally break something, get in a care accident, or God only knows what else! "Once I have some expendable income" really means "Once I have money that doesn't go directly to rent or bills or food or gas." Any money I spend on other things right now is definitely coming out of food...

5. FIND A CHURCH! This is the last one because it's admittedly a low priority right now. The thing is that I don't know where I want to find one, because I don't know where I'll be living come May as of yet, and I really don't want to drive 45 minutes to church every week. In the mean time, though, I would like to have a church to belong to, even though it'll only be for a few months. I really wish I could find something like Greater Portland Bible Church. I was only there for a few months, but I will never forget how good that church was to me and for me. Maybe next time I'll blog about what I look for in a church. Definitely maybe.

I have a few others, but they mostly fall under each of these five (except for keeping my blog with consistency, but we all know that's not going to happen). Oh and one other that I told my brother: SUCK LESS. But my brother then replied, "Katie, you're supposed to make New Year's Resolutions that are within reasonable expectations." Gotta love little brothers. Always so encouraging.

So here's to a year of achieving goals, not just for goals' sake, but because they are good and necessary, and to "sucking less." And who knows? Maybe I will.