Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me

1. I'm going to be the Duke Solinus in Comedy of Errors - but not really. I'm going to be the Duchess Solina in Comedy of Errors - but not really. I'm going to be...the genie Solina? And I might be painted blue. It's not what I was expecting - nowhere NEAR what I was expecting, because really, who expects a genie? But sure, why not?

2. Interview with C2 was eh. He asked strange questions that had nothing to do with tutoring, such as what inspired me to be a marine biologist when I was 11. I also failed to mention any of my knowledge concerning operant conditioning. Blast.

That is all, as we are still waiting on those other things. But yes, now you may look forward to blue!Katie. Awesome. xD

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Theater and prayer requests

A few important updates (first two are theater related, ones after that are general updates including prayer requests):

1. Just got done with auditions for Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors with North Fulton Drama Club - really hoping for one of the Dromios. I'd even be willing to cross- dress for the part! I've done it before. ;) I know what you're thinking: Whatever happened to not putting a bajillion things on your plate this year, hm? Aren't you in Murder Mystery at Tech? And designing costumes for The Producers? And planning on working at least TWO jobs?

Well, when you put it that way, it really does sound like a lot, doesn't it? I think the main reasons I'm auditioning is because A. I really would love to see NFDC people more, and B. I think I have a good chance at getting a decent part. Oh, and C. it's going to be SO much fun! I've been thinking about how most of my friends are still in college, and how I would really like to have more good friends who are working individuals. NFDC is a good way to do it, especially since Open Table Community Church doesn't seem to have small groups. So here's hoping it's as good idea as I think it'll be!

2. Speaking of costume design for The Producers, I am having a blast with it. Why did I never design costumes before? Oh, right, because it's a lot of work and it's scary because you never know if people who can actually sew will turn out to help you, thus sticking you with all the work, which is especially frightening since I don't really know gravy about actual costume construction. Sculpting foam into sausages and Nazi symbols I can do. Pleats terrify me. BUT I feel like I'm on really good ground right now. I've already got some designs done and have bought materials for construction. I've pulled things from the costume dock. I've pretty much decided how I'm going to get the costumes (dock first choice, thrift store second choice, construct third choice, rent fourth choice) and have started trying things on people. I feel like I'm in good shape - but let's not jinx it. I'm terrified that it'll get down to the wire and I won't be nearly as prepared as I think I am. Fortunately, I have darling Nikky waiting to catch me. :)

3. Still waiting to hear back from Kennesaw State regarding my admission status. I was so full of confidence when applying...but now that I'm waiting, I can't help dreading a rejection and wondering what I'm going to do with myself in the event of that happening. Pray for me, please. @__@;

4. Interview with C2 Thursday at 4:00! Pray for nerves and wisdom!

And last, but not least,

5. I think I'm finally starting to understand this whole fasting thing. For Lent this year, I decided to fast from sweets - a considerable ambition, considering I'm still working at a bakery/teahouse until this Friday, and there's ice cream in my freezer, and almost all my breakfast foods are some form of sweet pastry. But, at least so far, it's been working. Every time I'm tempted to eat sweets and stop, it makes me more conscious of God, Jesus, my faith, and how little I usually give them any thought at all. I have to think of a craving for sweets as God calling me to call out to him. It'll definitely get harder as the days wear on and my sweet tooth starts calling more loudly than God, but I'll pray that it won't turn into a competition with myself like it did last year. "Oh, there's only two more days, I could eat a cookie." "No, I can't eat a cookie. If I do, I'll beat myself up for not lasting just two more days!" Pride, you will not get the best of me this year! HaHA!

I know it's long, so thanks for reading through to the end! Maybe eventually, I'll post something about what NOT to do when you see a wild animal. Little kids at the Nature Center amuse me greatly. :)