Saturday, December 19, 2009

Take it easy

If I'm not careful, I'll wind up with a theme for my titles here...

It looks like I will get to go to Iowa! :D To which most of you reply: "wtf, why does she want to go to Iowa of all places?" to which I respond, "Family - why else would anyone go to Iowa, unless they just really, really like snow and ice and -30 temperatures?" My dad's family is there, including my amazing grandparents that I just can't brag about enough - did I ever tell you that my grandma was the first female lieutenant governor of Iowa? Or that my grandpa had his own cattle ranch of "Zimmerman British White Cattle" until just a few years ago? Whom I'm constantly forgetting are over seventy until they say something about their arthritis, which never fails to make me do a double-take and say, "Oh right, you're old!" Then there's my Aunt Lisa, who I am just like sometimes (she was a hypochondriac too), and her incredible family, and my brilliant Aunt Beth and her family, who live in Boston but always come to Christmas in Iowa (because they're crazy like foxes). I'm not sure if the rest of my dad's family will be there, but my grandparents, Aunt Beth, and Aunt Lisa are more than enough reason to brave hypothermia.

Truth be told, though, one of the biggest reasons I was so excited for Iowa was because I thought it'd be really good for my brother to go (especially with family stuff and our cousins all being his age or younger - I'm really more the babysitter :/ ). I almost didn't go because I thought he might not be able to join us for Christmas, and I didn't want to miss celebrating Christmas with him. But we've worked it out so that we're leaving Monday and coming back...Wednesday, I think? Maybe I'll fanagle it so I can fly back Christmas day and have two Christmases. Just to be greedy. Originally, I was going to leave the 22nd and not come back until the 29th, but a shorter trip is better anyway - way too much to study for.

Best part about leaving Monday? No wisdom teeth surgery. (Right on.) Technically, I never actually canceled it, but eh. I'll call Monday and try to reschedule for a week later.

This also leads to the worst part about being an independent young adult with a part-time job - no dental insurance of my own. So I'm trying to milk what I can out of my mom's plan, and she's under the impression that I lose coverage at the first of the year. Here's hoping they've got an opening for the 28th!

Benefits are nice. Get them.

For next time, I'm coming up with Top Ten (maybe Five, we'll see how I do) Reasons to Celebrate Christmas, so we'll be getting one each until Christmas Day. I might also tackle Top Ten (maybe Five, we'll see how I do) Reasons Why I Fail At Blogging. And no that's not me fishing for compliments. :P


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